Wednesday, January 5, 2011

just write something, self

I sit here at my computer, forcing myself to write. Been telling myself for a while now that I need not have an amazing story idea to get started. Just sit down and write. That I should tune into my feelings for inspiration. Use the little frustrations of life as a source, I say. But good lord, those things are boring. No one wants to read a story about how I feel like I am going nowhere in life, about how I obsess too much over the girl I am in love with and turn petty and jealous when I don’t get to see her. How I am ridiculously overqualified for my job at a shitty sign company? How my boss is a right-wing nut job? How I even have to weave fiction into this autobiographical listing of my issues, just to make those issues seem even slightly more interesting? How I don’t even work at a sign company? How I make things up all the time? How I am pretty sure I saw an alien standing on the side of the road when I was 16, but I don’t tell anyone because they would think I am making it up?

So maybe I do need a story. Or at least a setting. Or an idea to start with. I will think about it…